How to reach me:
I will be in Lille, France, between Nov 5 and Nov 16, 2007. Then I will stay in Santiago, Chile, South-America, until April 2008. Opting for sending email will probably be the most succeeding strategy to get in touch with me. Two emails are equaly relevant, and

Permanent address:
Dr. Alexandre Bergel
INRIA Futurs - ADAM Team,
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne,
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex,

If you need to reach me via phone Corinne DAVOUST will know how to (+33 3 59 57 78 38).

Short summary:
In English -
Alexandre Bergel is Assistant Professor at the University of Chile. He obtained his PhD in 2005 from the University of Berne, Switzerland. After his PhD, he completed a first postdoc at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and a second at the Hasso-Plattner Institute, Germany. A. Bergel is the author of over 60 articles, published in international and peer review scientific forums, including the most competitive conferences and journals in the field of software engineering. A. Bergel and his collaborators carry out research in diverse aspects of software engineering and software quality.